Yumi Hara (pf, vo, key, from The Artaud Beats, Half the Sky etc)
Chris Cutler (dr, from The Artaud Beats, Henry Cow, Half the Sky etc)
Geoff Leigh (fl, sax, vo, electronics, from The Artaud Beats, Henry Cow etc)
Jean-Hervé Péron (b, vo, cement mixer, from faUSt)
Zappi Werner Diermaier (dr, from faUSt)
Geraldine Swayne (g, key, vo, painting, from faUSt)

History of Jump for Joy! by Yumi:

You me & us (Daevid Allen, Yumi Hara and Chris Cutler) were booked to play at Jean-Hervé Peron’s Avantgarde Festival in Schiphorst in 2014, but late in the day Daevid was unable to make it. Since most of Jean-Hervé’s band, faUSt - including Geoff Leigh - were all coming to the festival but not playing, Jean-Herve suggested Chris and I join them as Jump for Joy ! to headline the festival. Elena Wolay (aka Jazz is Dangerous) was out in the audience and asked us to perform at her festival the next year in Gothenburg… and so ….

Jean-Herve’s two-penno’th:

Jump for Joy! is powered by two drummers of totally different styles : Zappi (Austria) and Chris Cutler (UK) ...teutonic tango vs butterfly lace; two guitar- and keyboard- ladies, Geraldine Swayne (Ireland) and Yumi Hara (Japan), providing a dense field of sound textures and structures, both delicate and barbarous, while Geoff Leigh (UK), and Jean-Hervé Peron (France) deliver the dada high- and low-ends. You’d hate yourself for missing Jump for Joy !

Some Gothenburg reviews:

…bring artrock and krautrock into the present. A living music, full of surprises, monotonous and complex in equal measure. (Goteborgs Posten)

…there were some elements of conventional jazz, with both impressionistic piano… flute and saxophone, although the rhythm section was pure krautrock: two drummers and a thumping bass. Then the rusty concrete mixer arrived from the back of the crowd and… there was gravel shovelling and live painting and two women who sat and crocheted on one side of the stage throughout the show. (Dagens Nyhater)

…a real happening: anything can happen, and does. (Fotoscenen)

L’historique de Jump for Joy ! selon Yumi

Le groupe „You me & us“ (Daevid Allen, Yumi Hara and Chris Cutler) fut invité à jouer à l’Avantgarde Festival de Jean-Hervé Péron à Schiphorst en 2014 mais au dernier moment Daevid ne put venir . Alors ,vu que presque tout les membres de faUSt , y compris Geoff Leigh, devaient venir au Festival mais sans y jouer, Jean-Hervé suggera que Chris et moi-même nous joignions à eux sous le nom de „Jump for Joy !“ pour faire tête d’affiche au Festival.

Elena Wolay (alias Jazz is Dangerous) mélèe au public, nous demanda de venir performer à son Festival à Göteborg l’annèe suivante …et puis…

…. La p’tite histoire de deux sous de Jean-Hervé

Jump for Joy! est motorisé par deux batteurs de styles complétement différents :

Chris Cutler (GB) et Zappi (Autriche) ..le tango teuton et la dentelle papillonante; deux grandes dames aux guitares et claviers : Geraldine Swayne

(Irelande) et Yumi Hara (Japon) créent un champ et des structures soniques à la fois delicates et barbares, tandis que Geoff Leigh ( GB, flute, sax et effets) et Jean-Hervé Péron (France, guitare basse et bétonnière) produisent le côté dada , haute et basse gamme.

Vous vous mordrez les fesses si vous ratez Jump for Joy!

Quelques revues de presse de Göteborg:

..amène au present le Artrock et le Krautrock. Une musique qui vit, pleine de surprises, tout autant monotone que complexe (Goteborgs Posten)

..il y eu quelques éléments de jazz conventionel, avec piano impressioniste, …flute et saxe , bien que la rythmique resta purement krautrock: deux batteurs et une basse cognante. Puis la bétonnière rouillèe fit son apparition de derrière le public et…on assista à des projections de graviers, à de la peinture en direct tandis que deux femmes faisaient du crochet , tranquillement assises tout au long du concert (Dagens Nyhater)

…un vrai happening : tout peut arriver , et tout arrive. (Fotoscenen)

Watch Jump for Joy! video

Visit Jump for Joy! facebook page



Jump for Joy! second album 'Keeping Score' CD now available from Occasional Records (ReR)

Jump For Joy! Keeping Score album cover

review: https://www.progarchives.com/album.asp?id=56735


7 Oct 2016

Jump for Joy! debut album 'Bat Pullover' CD and LP are now available here

don't miss special limited offer 'CD+LP' package only available from this website



21 March 2016

Jump for Joy! artist's page on RIO 2016 website is now live: http://www.rocktime.org/rio/index.php/en/artists/jump-for-joy


2 March 2016

streaming of Jazz is Dangerous live recording on Swedish Radio now available:

‘Mal aux dents’ only:

Whole show (first section is Keiji Haino) (with interview with Jean-Hervé and Yumi)


21 January 2016

Jump for Joy! will be playing at Rock in Opposition festival, carmaux, France, on Sat 17 Sept 2016


Jump for Joy! list of gigs

21 June 2014, Avantgarde Festival, Schiphorst, Germany

Jump for Joy! : (Yumi Hara, Chris Cutler, Jean-Hervé Péron, Zappi Diermaier, Geoff Leigh)

12 August 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden
Jump for Joy! band (Yumi Hara, Geoff Leigh, Chris Cutler, Zappi, Jean-Herve Peron and Geraldine Swayne)

Keiji Haino, Slynkören, Baby Grandmothers + Slowgold

at Jazz Is Dangerous, Jazz Är Farligt, one day jazz festival
Taubescenen, Liseberg Amusement Park, Gothenburg











Last Updated: October 7, 2016