Jump for Joy! Press / Reviews


Concert Reviews

20 Sept 2016, Official Rock In Opposition Festival '16 Review by Ian Carss

'an improv krautrock band made up of Zappi and Jean-Herve from Faust, Chris Cutler & Geoff Leigh from Henry Cow, plus Yumi Hara on piano, Geraldine Swayne on keys. They played a full hour of a general structure (rather than score) with sections of pure krautrock grind apparently about a rabbit dying having seen the bizarre pictogram flow chart that was the set list. Featured wood being chopped, bowls being drilled. Worked really really well, lots of fun and very entertaining. '

 CD album Keeping Score reviews

1 Feb 2018, by DamoXt7942 (Keishiro Maki), Progarchives.com
'4 stars JUMP FOR JOY!'s second album "Keeping Score" is veiled in an avantgarde sleeve of eccentric memorandum-flooded pics, that obviously gives us (the audience) incredible expectation for the content. And we will notice their music theatre will never betray us at all. They say this album was recorded as a live one at the R.I.O. Festival (France) in 2016, where they would have gigged quite lively and delightfully we can imagine easily (yes as their moniker says!). Their creation sounds pretty vivid not only for our auditory sensation but also for our visual impression. Guess their stage and performance should have been perfect for a picture. Every single player in the music commune plays on the stage with his/her massive intention to create another dimensional sound world perfectly.

The topnote is quite complex. In the beginning weird synthesizer-oriented sound pressure like a crying kitty confuses us. Multistreaming hard-edged percussion, crazy tremendous saxophone plays, or gorgeous piano sound compilation is exactly their credential of avantgarde, innovation. It's very amazing their improvised sound production is completely harmonized and crystallized together although each of them is kinda musical giant. My favourite movements are second and third. The second one drenched in tunes / noises / samples improvisation sounds like sorta Krautrock like Mahogany Brain or Semool. Rhythmic unification cannot be heard anywhere but can suggest everyone plays with full smile and full mind. In the third movement, we can hear beauty in confusion. Beneath Yumi's piano and maybe Japanese voices, we can feel ethnic delight and tragic vibe whilst sensitive, complicated moment.

The whole album can be thought as a JUMP FOR JOY's theatrical, inspired suite. This musical nutrition will directly be digested and absorbed in your brain, with such an eccentric sleeve pic. ;)'

28 Feb 2018, EURO ROCK PRESS vol.76 by Atsushi Asano (Japan)


ジェラルディン・スウェイン、ジャン=エルヴェ・ペロン、ジェフ・リー、ユミ・ハラ、ヴェルナー・ザッピ・ディアマイアー、クリス・カトラーという faUSt + THE ARTAUD BEATS から構成されたバンドによる2ndは'16年仏『RIOフェス』でのライヴ。ジャケ掲載のライヴ直前に描かれた各々の指定を貼り合わせて演奏するという前作同様のコンセプ トの基、不穏な電子音やノイズが飛び交い、変拍子ピアノとエフェクト・オルガン、ハンマー・ビートと上モノ系リズムが入り乱れ、時によっては分岐し、ヴォイス や歌も挿入、合体と分裂を経ながら収斂してゆく様はアヴァン・ロック味に溢れている。マスタリングはボブ・ドレイク。

明度/暗度 5、変拍子度 7、意外性 8、総合 9

CD album Bat Pullover reviews

Sept 2016, ARS2 by Henryk Palczewski (Poland)

'avant-garde improvisations, construction of sound, images sound penetrating the expressive, hypnotically pulsating wall of sound.'


9 Oct 2016, by Keishiro Maki (Japan)

'A multi-national experimental / improvisational rock sextet JUMP FOR JOY! have been founded in 2014 by six musicians of singular energy - Yumi HARA (piano, keyboards, voices), Chris CUTLER (drums, percussion), Geoff LEIGH (flute, saxophones, electronics, voices) based upon avantgarde / RIO feata family, and three faUSters Jean-Hervé PÉRON (bass, voices), Zappi Werner DIERMAIER (drums, percussion), Geraldine SWAYNE (guitars, keyboards, voices). Honest to say, I'm afraid whether such a crazy great combo formed by six artists of individuality can get unified strictly so far, but damn, no concern needed. Found out they had smashed their identity together upon the stage and crystallized as a music gem altogether, that has been finally recorded and released.

What an illusive music council. The audience can get immersed completely in sorta "unpolished" beauty created with energetic instrumental portfolio by all talents of identity. Each musical magnification joins hands with others just like a cup of ice cream seasoned with deeply matured soy sauce (yum really). Wish I could have attended RIO Festival in 2016 ... always feel so every time I read Ian Carss' review for them (and realized he's a sincere man). Polyrhythmic (dissecthismic?) sound intervention leaning toward the RIO / avantgarde movement merged with Faust's Krautrock bizarre black magic experimentalism (that can be heard e.g. via "Soleil Cheval Malade" or so).


Every piece has great tension launched by brilliant drumming duo who sound like a singular single aloof percussionist. And Yumi's piano always dress an experimental / avantgarde / mystical elixir for the audience and themselves. Geoff's wind instruments have definite massive personality, presence and existence, all of which should be about to swallow everything down. Actually, every artist has his/her own musical and artistic vector, therefore it sounds like one would turn his/her face toward the very same (musical) direction, I consider their soundscape cannot be recommended for every RIO / Avant-progressive rock freak, but yes we can grab another innovative milestone via this creation. Try it..'

2 Nov 2016, United Mutations

30 Nov 2016, EURO ROCK PRESS Vol.71 by Atsushi Asano (Japan)

THE ARTAUD BEATS結成契機にもなったJean-Herve Peron主催Avantgarde Festivalにて'14年結成のJUMP FOR JOY!。PeronとZappiにGeraldine SwayneのfaUSt(Irmler側との差別化のための表記)組に、Yumi Hara、Geoff Reigh、Chris Cutlerの6人編成で、左右に分けてZappiのジャーマン系頑固リズムにCutlerの上ものドラムが重なるだけでも聴きものな上、ポリ・リズム系ピアノとジャーマン系サイケ・オルガンが対比を成し、

ダ ダイスティックなベースと管楽器に多言語ヴォイスによるパフォーマンスと、各自が描いて貼り合わせたグラフィック・スコアに基づき多彩な要素が入り乱れる 演奏は凄いの一言。

あ の名曲もボーナス収録。

Radio broadcast and podcasts

3 Oct 2016, ARS2.pl (Henryk Palczewski, ARS2) [Put Put Epidemik, Situation Normal, Soleil Cheval]

13 Oct 2016, Podcast from the Yellow Room (Sid Smith) [Situation Normal]


14 Nov 2016, Battiti (RAI Radio 3, Italy) [Put Put Epidemik, Situation Normal]

16 Nov 2016, Battiti (RAI Radio 3, Italy) [Birds at the Dentist]





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